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Quick Flash Video about a new product – Faux Bonsai Trees. Easy, Affordable Craft Medium
Indoor Bonsai Trees For Sale
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Quick Flash Video about a new product – Faux Bonsai Trees. Easy, Affordable Craft Medium
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There is a five needle miniature pine bonsai tree in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, which is known as the Sandai-Shogun-No Matsu. It is one of the country’s national treasures and it was first trimmed and potted in 1610, just a few years after Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the British Parliament and a few years before William Shakespeare died. It’s still thriving today because its keepers have known the secrets of bonsai trees care.
Bonsai is, as I’m sure you know, the art of growing miniature trees. But just because they’re tiny doesn’t mean they’re less hardy than their full sized cousins nor does it mean they do not live as long.In fact, many of these dwarfs often outlive their fully grown counterparts.
There is something extremely therapeutic about creating bonsai trees, and at the same time it is an art which requires little in the way of expensive or specialist tools. The trees are a living art – with no two exactly alike – and they can change with the seasons and the years. Deciduous bonsai grown outdoors, for instance, lose their leaves in winter just as normal trees do, then they grow them back in spring. For added visual effect you can choose bonsai trees that flower such as azalea or white star jasmine.
The easiest way to start is to buy a tree already trimmed and in a pot. It has usually already been shaped, often with the sculptor using wire to give it a unique, twisted appearance. But it is up to the keeper of the tree to trim leaves and branches as the years go by, deciding which to keep and which to cut. Bonsai masters, those that are involved with bonsai trees care, attempt to create not just an aesthetically pleasing shape, but a spiritual sense of age, beauty and timeless endurance.
You will need to know how to prune the trunk and roots of your tree as well as the branches. It may sound rather daunting but, as I have said before, all that’s needed is the right knowledge to know what to trim and what to leave.
Another very vital factor for bonsai trees care is watering. Because they are in shallow pots and have less roots than normal , bonsai trees are particularly vulnerable to dehydration. But give them too much water all at once and it’s like subjecting them to a 100 year flood! Watering needs depend on the humidity, type of soil, size and shape of the pot, the type of tree you have and whether it’s inside or outside.
Bonsai do need to be re-potted and the roots pruned but when depends entirely on your particular type of tree and how vigorously it is growing, but it is most often done, as with normal gardening, just before spring when the plant is in a reasonably dormant state.
Bonsai generally need a loose fast-draining soil – but again it depends on the type of tree, its pot and where it’s sited. Pots come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. The pot should complement the tree in both colour and shape and is considered as much a part of the art-form as the tree itself.
Bonsai trees care is not particularly onerous if you have the right knowledge. They don’t require a lot of effort or expense, neither are they particularly time consuming. Bonsai trees can die very quickly – it they do not have the proper care.
With the right knowledge you will not only create something that will give you hours of pleasure but also a treasure your family can pass down from generation to generation. By understanding the principles of bonsai trees care, you can grow a living treasure to pass on to your grandchildren, which in turn, they can pass on to their children with the duty of care for bonsai trees handed down through countless generations, outlasting most other forms of legacy.
If you’d like to learn more on how to create a living heirloom through Bonsai Trees care you can do so here:
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Advocate and nature lover D Ravindran talks about bonsai trees in his Nikki Bonsai Garden in this edition of ‘Bhoomigeetham’.
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A hotly debated topic among bonsai followers is about soil. While watering is vital to the care of bonsai trees, so too is the type of soil as the soil is involved in delivering nutrients to the tree.
With the care of bonsai trees, we are trying to keep the tree small and the root system shallow, so we need to use a different composition of soil than that of an ordinary house plant.
We want our house plants to grow larger and to do this, they require their root systems to become deeply established so that they can retain as much water as possible for growth. Potting soil is heavy and can stay damp for a long time. If we were to use this ‘heavy’, water retaining, soil for our small trees with their shallow roots, rot will start to set in.
There are so many types of soil specially for bonsai trees. Bonsai generally need a loose fast-draining soil – but again it depends on your type of tree, its pot and where it is sited.
With bonsai soil, you must look for two things. The first is whether it will retain water properly and absorb nutrients from the air around it. Bonsai trees are very sensitive towards moisture and need gases in order to survive.
The second most important quality that you should look for in bonsai soil is that it will drain water quickly. If the soil retains too much moisture then the roots will be subject to rot which will kill your tree very quickly.
While all bonsai soil will do essentially the same thing, some soil mixtures differ in their composition which will have an effect on the way that they work. Some will have more nutrients and some will have less. Again it is important to know what type of tree you have to you can ensure it’s potted in the right soil for your specific plant so you should investigate the needs of your individual bonsai before making a choice.
Generally speaking, experts on the care of bonsai trees recommend a mix of around 30 percent sandy grit and 70 percent humus for deciduous trees and vice verse for evergreen needle plants.
There are many premixed soil solutions that you can purchase that will cater to the needs of your tree.
To make sure that I was getting relevant information for my particular plant, I took a visit the nursery where my plant had come from to ask for some help on the proper care of bonsai trees. I was told that due to the shallow root system of a bonsai, it is important that the tree receives adequate amounts of air circulation via free drainage, while at the same time retains enough moisture and nutrients necessary for growth and good health.
They told me that the secret in the care of bonsai trees is in providing the right amount of water, air, nutrients and light. Bonsai comes in several varieties and each has different requirements in terms of these vital ingredients.
So for the present time, I decided that I am staying with the pre-mix solution from my local nursery. After all, the tree has remained alive and well in their care – up to the time I got it. They seem to be a decent quality and its saves me from having to work out the percentages and materials required to mix my own.
When I have learnt more about more about the care of bonsai trees, I intend to take a more “hands on” approach and mix my own.
But for the present – the pre-mix will be fine for my bonsai tree.
To discover everything you really need to know about care of bonsai trees <<= = Click this link NOW!” Also, here’s another great article about bonsai trees care”
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To view more of the Bonsai Exhibit; or learn to create one yourself, please visit
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When I started out on my journey on the care of bonsai trees, a mistake that I made early in my learning period was about watering. I thought it was just watering. How hard could it be? With my first bonsai, I treated it just like my other house plants and along with it being located inside with them, it meant that I was watering my bonsai when I “remembered” to water the house plants. I was about to find out the hard way, when my tree started to look ill, that this simple step in the care of bonsai trees was not as easy as I thought
I did some research and found out that there was a lot of differences between the care of bonsai trees and house plants and in particular – watering.
I found out that dehydration is generally the most frequent cause of death in bonsai trees in a new owner’s care. If a tree is under watered and there is not enough moisture left in the soil, leaves can die very quickly – and this can be within hours!
Watering a bonsai tree correctly is not so much about quantity but about frequency.
A bonsai’s whole world is bound in one little pot. Because they are in shallow pots and have less roots than normal , bonsai trees are particularly vulnerable to dehydration so knowing just how much to water is crucial. Not enough water and the tree could be quickly fighting drought conditions.
Proper care of bonsai trees involves a careful watch on the soil to make sure it hasn’t dried out – A definite no-no is overwatering as it can damage plants almost as quickly. But I was also to discover that if you give it too much water it will be at risk from root rot and fungal infections.
So it seems that too much water and it’s suffering a flood – too little and it’s a drought, and going from one to another is a vicious cycle will quickly kill a bonsai. Too wet for long periods could mean rot and infections and not wet enough for too long can mean dehydration, both extremes can lead to the ill health and eventual death of the bonsai tree.
From different sources, I found that there are many and varied ‘rules’ for watering and that watering depends on a number of variables, such as, soil, the tree’s position, light, temperatures, and the time of the year.
Different soils dry out at different rates, different shaped pots also lose water at different rates, and different varietals of trees will have varying watering requirements. The trick is finding the right balance for your individual tree and its unique requirements when planning your care of bonsai trees. Getting the watering just right will help develop a healthy root system to ensure your bonsai remains healthy.
To establish this, a moisture meter is a handy tool, but you may not want to go to the expense of buying one of these until you decide if you are going to continue to invest money and time into your new hobby. I found that as a beginner to the care of bonsai trees, the best way to test if my tree needed water, was to simply dig my finger into the soil up to about an inch depth and to see what state it was in. Of course, the trick here is to feel if the soil is damp without disturbing the roots.
Watering is only one of the steps to take into account in the care of bonsai trees. We must bear in mind that we are keeping our trees to miniature proportions by artifical means when we keep them in pots. This is not their natural state, so it is up to us to maintain the appropriate conditions for them to grow in this controlled environment.
I now have a greater appreciation of the importance of watering and the effects it has on my individual tree. I still have a number of things to understand about how, when and the type of water to use and I am working on this.
There are many steps yet for me to master in my care of bonsai trees.
To discover everything you really need to know about the care of bonsai trees bonsai trees care
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When you are taking care of bonsai trees, don’t forget that just like you, they like to be fed. Despite what some people think, you do not starve a bonsai in order to stunt its growth. In fact, you can control how your tree grows by correct feeding.
As bonsai have a relatively small amount of soil, their small pots can quickly be drained of nutrients which means that it is easy for a bonsai tree to become deficient if not fertilized adequately. To take care of bonsai trees, we need to add fertilizer to help ‘feed’ them. Feeding will help keep your bonsai healthy so we need to know about how often it should be done, what nutrients it supplies and what form it comes in.
Fertilizing is most important in the growing seasons of mid-spring to early-summer and again from late- summer to early fall. These are times when the tree is active and needs extra nourishment to help it carry out the extra energy converting, growth activity at this time but the temperatures are moderate and not too extreme.
When you purchase fertilizer for the care of bonsai trees, it will be a form of liquid fish or seaweed mixtures or as pellets/granules. Check the label to see what the composition is and watch how your tree responds to that particular brand. You may want to change brands from time to time to expose the tree to different amounts. By watching the progress of your tree, you will be able to assess if you’re adding the correct amount at the appropriate time.
These chemical and mineral elements nutrients are required to keep your tree healthy and help it to grow.
Nitrogen: It helps determine the size and amount of new growth through cell division and protein manufacturing.
Phosphorus: It is necessary for cell division and assists with good root growth and flowering.
Potassium: Also known as potash. This activates cell enzymes and helps to regulate the water balance in and outside of cells.
The manufacturer’s will have recommendations as to how much and how often to use the fertilizer for the care of bonsai trees. These are often over generous, so until you see how your tree responds, it’s a good idea to use only half their recommended amount and then you can amend as required.
The pellet/granule forms of fertilizers are usually in this form to provide a slow release of the fertilizer into the soil each time the plant is watered. Some bonsai owners like to use granules as they can be worked into the soil and left to gradually release their nutrients over a period of time. Others prefer adding the soluble powder a couple of times a month as the liquid is a quick acting nutrient that you use to water the tree.
An important thing to consider in the care of bonsai trees is that fertilizer provides nutrition to a bonsai tree but it is not medicine. The role of fertilizing is to enhance the soil to help the tree to grow in the active season. If your tree does not look well, you should see if there are other ways to take care of your tree to restore its health. For example, if the leaves are dry and brittle or it is losing its leaves, it may need a change in the watering rather than a dose of fertilizer which may only stress the tree even further, making it work harder and suffer more.
When it comes to the type and frequency of fertilization another item to take into account for the successful care of bonsai trees is the amount of growth that is required. A young tree may need heavy feeding so that it grows vigorously, while a well developed bonsai should be fed sparingly so that it does not become thick and woody.
As with the other elements in the care of bonsai trees, you need to work with the requirements of your individual tree, taking into consideration its variety, stage of development, growth and health.
One tip that I must pass on is:
Always make sure that the soil is wet before you add the fertilizer. It must not be dry.
Your bonsai will like the additional nutrients that you provide through fertilization – just don’t over do it and kill it with kindness. Start feeding your tree slowly and see how it responds and then amend it accordingly. Your tree will thank you for it and thrive, allowing you to experience the joy of being a success with the care of bonsai trees.
Make sure that you don’t kill your tree with kindness. To learn how to care of bonsai trees bonsai trees care”
bonsai trees Do you love growing bonsai trees and want to without spending a fortune? Good news! Theres http for guidelines on how to care and grow for your own BONSAI TREE.
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