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all about bonsia trees

Posted by admin on Jul 12, 2010 in Uncategorized

bonsai trees Learn all about Bonsai Tree Care. Growing Bonsai Trees can be very rewarding!

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Caring For Bonsai Trees – What’s There To Know About Root Pruning?

Posted by admin on Jul 2, 2010 in Uncategorized

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It is widely known that the secret of keeping your bonsai both healthy and miniature is to prune not only its branches but the trunk and roots as well. Pruning is a bit scary to newcomers to the hobby of caring for bonsai trees, as pruning roots damages a plant, restricting its ability to take up water and nutrients while pruning branches must be done carefully to ensure that you end up with your desired shape.

The time when your bonsai will need its roots trimmed is usually between one and five years after you bought it. This time frame is only a guide for caring for bonsai, as a number of factors effect the amount of time a tree takes to become rootbound in its pot; different species of tree have different levels of development and the variables such as the size of the pot, the development of the rootball and the age of the tree all have an influence on the growth of the roots.

When you take the tree out of the pot to inspect it each year, usually in the spring, you will be able to see if the roots need pruning. If you find that the roots form a circular ball around the edge of the pot, it’s time to trim or prune the roots. If the roots of the tree are still contained within the soil, the tree can be returned to the pot and pruning can be left for another year.

There is a tool specially designed to help you expose the roots. This is called a “root hook” but it doesn’t have to be this specific tool. You could try either chopsticks, screwdrivers, or a crochet needle as what you are trying to do is to gently work in between the roots to loosen the soil surrounding them.

While you have got the roots exposed, this is an good time to inspect the roots for early signs of decay and rot. It is vital when caring for bonsai trees, that we remove these dead roots as they will cause trouble in the future if we do not get rid of them.

You need to know how much root to cut off and how to select the right roots to be ‘cut back’ to a degree to keep them healthy and small enough for the pot.

Look for the long large roots that dominate the pot and trim them back. In particular, look at the downward growing roots. These need to be removed as they will eventually begin to ‘lift’ the tree out of the pot.

What we are trying to achieve here is to make way for the smaller feeder roots that will continue to sustain the growth of the tree while keeping the root system small enough to survive in the small pot.

You want the root system to spread laterally, from the trunk base or nebari rather than downwards, like anchors.

It is best to use a sharp knife or shears when cutting the roots and try to cut them with a downward slant. When you do this, there is less chance of water gathering in the exposed part of the newly cut root which in turn lessens the chance of infection setting in.

It is important when caring for bonsai trees that you do not remove more than 30% of the roots in any one year. This is important as you don’t want to reduce the root mass to the stage where it can’t support the tree so, generally aim to only remove about 1/3 of it.

Although there is a lot of information available on caring for bonsai trees, the pruning element still seemed to be rather daunting to me. It was difficult to have the confidence to do actually cut the roots for the first time.

I found that the best thing to do was to find a person experienced in caring for bonsai trees and watch them before I attempted to do it myself. Once I had seen it done, I had the knowledge on what to trim and what to leave and I could get on with the task of pruning my bonsai, confident that I was doing the right thing for my tree.

It is important to get the proper knowledge so that you don’t end up killing your tree. To find out more on caring for bonsai trees bonsai tree care

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I Needed To Know About Bonsai Trees Care Urgently

Posted by admin on Jun 29, 2010 in Uncategorized

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When my mother-in-law said that she was going away for six months,and that she needed someone to care for her bonsais, I thought, how difficult could bonsai trees care be? And I naively offered to care for her collection of Bonsai trees in her absence.

I thought it would be simply a matter of watering them once a week then leaving them to their own devices. It did not take long and many of them started to turn brown and looked quite seedy. I needed to do something in a hurry. It would never do to have my mother-in-law return to find them all dead! How could I explain that I knew nothing about bonsai trees care? But what was I doing wrong?

Was I giving them too much water?

Should I keep them outside or inside?

Did I need to repot any of them? If I did need to repot any, what sort of pot did I need?

I had no idea where to begin the pruning………….

Bonsai can sometimes succumb to insects and diseases – maybe this was my problem.

I also thought, if the worst came to the worst and I actually killed one or two, then maybe I could buy some seedlings and make a bonsai of my own to replace it. I was finding out that bonsai trees are very sensitive to their conditions and you need to learn how to look after these beautiful plants – otherwise they will die, quickly!!

I did find help – and not only did I manage to rescue by mother-in-laws bonsai trees, I discovered a soothing hobby which provides hours of enjoyment and an aesthetic and interesting focal point in my home.

I’m sure you know bonsai trees are miniature, natural trees grown as an art form. Their roots are clipped to hinder growth. Trees can grow healthily and beautifully for decades, and as they mature, they change shape. The technique originated in China then Japan and has been practiced for centuries. They are grown in pots and, sometimes with pruning and sometimes without, form sculptured, often windswept shapes that speak to me of mystical places.

There are some secrets to keeping a bonsai healthy but I have discovered that bonsai trees care is actually quite easy, if you know what you are doing in regard to the watering, fertilizing and pruning. With just a little knowledge you will be able to trim and pinch your miniature tree to train it to grow into interesting, aesthetically pleasing shapes that will amaze your family and friends.

And the next time you are asked to be responsible for caring for bonsai trees , you will be able to say with confidence, of course I know about bonsai trees care. And you know that you will!!

If you’d like to learn more about the tips onBonsai Trees care mentioned in this article, you can do so here:

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Muhammad Yunus speaking about the bonsai tree

Posted by admin on May 25, 2010 in Uncategorized

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2006 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate speaks to EARTH graduates about how individuals born in economically-depressed regions are like bonsai trees.

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Basic Information About Bonsai Trees

Posted by admin on May 9, 2010 in Uncategorized

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While the origins of how to create and nurture a bonsai tree come from China the actual name of these potted trees comes from Japan, in fact the word bonsai refers to a small potted tree. The cultivation of such beautiful trees was actually started by wealthy Chinese people who lived during the Han Dynasty which was famous because it lasted for about 400 years in many of the arts flourished during this period.

The Art of miniaturizing this beautiful trees was passed on from generation to generation and continued in other countries such as Korea, Japan and Vietnam. The process of miniaturizing these plans is actually very intricate due to the fact that they are not naturally small, in other words the seeds and plants used to create bonsai trees are not genetically dwarf, instead their size is modified through pruning and what they use of wires.

Literature which describes the entire principle of a miniature garden was developed by the Japanese monk Kokan Shiren, these principles included what is called bonseki which is the principle of creating miniature landscapes on black lacquer with the use of stones, pebbles and other materials.

The stick and yet beautiful shapes of traditional bonsai trees are actually achieved through techniques applied during the process of cultivation, the two most popular techniques used to create beautiful bonsai trees are called jin and shari. The first method which is known as “jin” consists of removing the bark from an entire tree branch in order to create the illusion of a snag of deadwood, the physical appearance of the tree changes as this technique is applied. This technique which is called “shari” involves stripping bark from areas of the trunk which emulates the look of natural scarring which is normally acquired by trees after it loses one of its limbs or its stroke by a lightning.

Not every type of seed can be used in order to create a beautiful looking bonsai tree, the best seeds used to create these trees are: Trident maple seed, hedge maple, field maple, Japanese maple, vine maple, red maple, Barberry, strawberry tree, Bougainvillea, Cedar, Hinoki Cypress, Fig, ginkgo, olive tree, etc.

The list shown above only includes a few of the many types of seed and trees which are actually perfect for bonsai tree cultivation and the appearance will obviously change from one type of tree to another. Due to the many physical differences between one tree to another those who have adopted the creation of bonsai trees as a pastime have also decided to create entire miniature gardens using different types of bonsai trees. provides more information about bonsai trees as well as tree seeds which can be used for many purposes. Learn more about trees, visit us today.

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Important Information About Bonsai Tree Care

Posted by admin on May 6, 2010 in Uncategorized

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When thinking about Bonsai tree care, the most important thing to think about is proper watering. This is the type of tree that can die from both over watering and under watering. If you over water this tree you can cause a fungus to grow in the soil, which will essentially cause the roots of the tree to decompose. If the tree is not watered enough, it can suffer drought which is a lack of water and the tree will once again die. While bonsai trees can be grown indoors, at some point in order for the tree to be healthy and survive for a longer period of time it must be taken outside. Bonsai trees that are grown exclusively inside do not have a high success rate.


The soil and the pots that are used when planting a bonsai tree are extremely important as well. The type of soil you use will affect how often you feed and water your tree. The recommended soil content should be as follows, 30% grit, 70 % humus for deciduous trees. However the type of soil that you use will depend greatly on which type of bonsai tree that you grow. For example the combination of grit and humus is reversed for evergreen bonsai trees. The type of pot that you plants your bonsai tree in plays an important role as well. While there are different recommendation for pots you try to select a pot that is two third to three quarters as well as the tree is tall. It should also be half as deep as the tree is tall. A general rule is to keep the pt as high as the width of the tree trunk. This will give the tree room to grow and expand in the pot. If you have selected a pot that you that you tree has outgrown or will outgrow do not rush to replant the tree. Replanting the tree can cause some damage and cause the tree to die.


Another important part of caring for your bonsai tree is called pruning. There are different ways to prune your bonsai tree.  There is branch pruning and root pruning. However, they do go hand in hand. If you are pruning the roots of you bonsai tree it is important that you also prune the branches of your tree. This will keep the tree balanced. The less foliage that you have up top means that there is less foliage that the roots have to support. If you are planning on doing some branch pruning it’s a good idea to clip the tip of the branches and the some slight pruning of the leaves. If you have branches that are crossing each other to crossing the trunk of the tree it is a good idea to cut these branches to give tree room to continue to grow. If you have twigs that are pointing straight down off the branches it is also a good idea to cut these as they will cause the branches to droop down.

For more information on bonsai tree care,tips to help you care for a bonsai tree and other bonsai tree related information visit

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What You Need To Know About Pruning Bonsai Trees

Posted by admin on May 1, 2010 in Uncategorized

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Pruning bonsai trees is one of the most important things you will have to do as a bonsai enthusiast. Generally, you will be pruning two parts of your bonsai: the roots, which is the bottom part of the plant, and the foliage, which is the top part of the plant. Pruning your bonsais is one of the more interesting aspects of growing these interesting plants and is a way to let your creativity shine.

Root pruning is important because it allows the tree to grow new roots. Because of their small containers, the roots of bonsai trees are often stunted in growth. By pruning the root system of your bonsai regularly, you will ensure that the plant has the space needed to grow new roots, which in turn helps the plant absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil. As with any other plant, the root structure is critical to the growth and health of your bonsai.

On the other hand, pruning a bonsai tree’s foliage is also vital – if only for aesthetic purposes. If you are a bonsai owner, you probably have a specific design in mind for your tree. Pruning will help you achieve the results you desire. Pruning can help shape your tree into the form you want as well as removes any dead leaves to help keep it healthy and beautiful.

Also, don’t forget that the roots and the foliage of your bonsai tree are interconnected. When you reduce the foliage (or number of leaves) that your tree has, you are also reducing the strain on its roots. In other words, the less leaves there are, the less work the roots have to do to keep them alive.

The amount of pruning you will do will depend heavily on your plans for the tree. It is best for you to have a plan here before you begin. Remember that the changes that you make to your tree are permanent! If you cut a branch off, that branch is gone forever, and you will have to wait for a new one to take its place. Remember to prune your tree gently – if you are removing leaves pinch them off with your fingers and don’t use sharp or harsh tools.

Most people like to prune off branches that cross the trunk or each other. Why? Because it isn’t very pretty to look at. So unless you think you can rewire the branch and force it to grow in another direction, cut it off. Branches that stick out towards you are also common pruning targets. Of course, what you prune from your plant should be your personal decision. What is really important is that you find your bonsai tree beautiful; what others think of it is a secondary consideration. Trust your own good taste.

Remember: pruning your bonsai trees is supposed to be fun! Don’t get too worked up if your trees don’t turn out the way you want them at first. If you keep learning and practicing your botanical skills, the day will soon come when your bonsai will be the envy of your neighbors!

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about types of bonsai trees and their care.

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Gardening Lessons : About Chinese Elm Bonsai Trees

Posted by admin on May 1, 2010 in Uncategorized

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The Chinese elm bonsai tree is the best species for beginner pruners, as it does not require a dormant period, it is easy to grow, and it is very forgiving. Care for an indoor Chinese elm bonsai tree withadvice from a sustainable gardener in this free video on gardening. Expert: Yolanda Vanveen Contact: Bio: Yolanda Vanveen is sustainable gardener who lives in Kalama, Wash. Filmmaker: Daron Stetner

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Bonsai Gardening – All you need to know about Bonsai Gardener

Posted by admin on Apr 29, 2010 in Uncategorized

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► Discover beginner to advanced bonsai techiques. Includes tree care guides, videos, article archive, and more. Here’s Just a Small Portion of What You’ll Discover in “Bonsai Gardening Secrets”: ✔Why Bonsai trees are formed and trained the way they are. (Hint: There’s a reason why different plants are used for different forms in Bonsai Gardening. Just knowing what type(s) of plants to use with which form really makes a huge difference!) ✔The fourteen major styles of Bonsai (with full-color photos)…and how you can create each one in your home. ✔What are the “rules” of true Bonsai Gardening. You’ll know the symbolism and effect of every plant, stone, and grain of sand in your Bonsai. ✔The insider secrets of Form Pruning, Maintenance Pruning, Plucking, Defoliation, “Jin and Shari” (which makes even a very young trees look like a classic “old” bonsai) and more! Plus you’ll quickly decide which is right for you. ✔The Top Bonsai Choices to get started today (and where to get them)! ✔How to choose your first tree. Dwarf Pomegranate or Ficus? Satsuki Azalea or Japanese Maple? Find out here! ✔How to create a Bonsai tree the right way (Hint: This is much easier than it seems…once you see how it works.) ✔How do you choose the right accents for your Bonsai? From dwarf grass and rush, to lichen and moss, you’ll discover the best accents for each and every one of your Bonsai! ✔Do you live or work in a hectic environment? Need a little sanctuary? Discover the types

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