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Care Of Bonsai Trees – Don’t Be Cruel To Your Bonsai !

Posted by admin on May 30, 2010 in Uncategorized

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It was a terrible sight. The leaves on my once gorgeous dwarf juniper were turning brown and the beautiful bonsai tree which I had hoped to pass on to my daughter was starting to die. What was I doing wrong with my care of bonsai trees?

Given proper care, bonsai trees can live for hundreds of years. In fact a properly maintained bonsai should outlive a full sized tree of the same species. Not only that, caring for bonsai trees is supposed to be a relaxing hobby and one that invokes a sense of calm and tranquility. But this was raising my blood pressure. I was in tears as I contemplated the near death of this symbol of timeless endurance.

I’m known as quite a gardener and my flower beds are flourishing – so why was my bonsai dying?

Like any plant, the secret in the care of bonsai trees is in providing the right amount of water, air, light and nutrients. However, bonsais come in a huge number of varieties and each species has different requirements in terms of these vital ingredients.

Different varieties of bonsais demand different amounts of light,water and fertiliser. Mine is a a dwarf juniper and I grow it indoors. I have now discovered it is crucial this tree gets at least two hours of direct sunlight a day. I am also careful not to place it near air-conditioning or a heater and to protect its roots from extremes of heat or cold. These were vital points for me to discover on my path to learning about the care of bonsai trees.

Proper care of bonsai trees involves a careful watch on the soil every day to make sure it hasn’t dried out; but overwatering is also a definite no-no and is probably the “root”cause of my problem. Most trees die through deyhdration but over-watering can damage plants nearly as quickly. The trick is finding the right balance. The Japanese, who mastered the art of bonsai many centuries ago, have an old adage – water thrice – once each for the pot, the soil and the tree.

Different soil types dry out at varying speeds and the shape of your pot can also influence the rate of water loss. It’s important to take into account such variations when planning your care of bonsai trees. In order to develop a healthly root system to keep your entire plant strong and flourising you must provide just the right amount of water. Bonsai can be developed from seeds or cuttings or from naturally occurring stunted trees transplanted into containers. They can range in height from a tiny five centimetres to over a metre tall.

Expert care is needed to pinch off new growth and encourage branches and trunk to grow into the desired shape, usually by wiring them into your chosen style. However this must be done carefully so that the wire does not bite into the flesh of the tree. Bonsai tree wiring is a reasonably advanced skill and it is a cruicial element in the care of bonsai trees. It is crucial you don’t remove too much of the root system at any one time – thirty percent a year is plenty.

You will also need to know how to prune the branches and roots and how and when to repot your bonsai. Pruning is seasonal, with most being done in spring or occasionally autumn. This is where an artistic eye produces the most pleasing results.

Bonsai is more a sculptural art form than straight gardening. The origin of bonsai trees can be traced back over 2000 years. The evocative beauty of a well-shaped tree can inspire feelings of calm and humility and a sense of timeless endurance as well as provide a focal point either inside your home or out on a patio. But who wants visitors to see a disaster?

As you can see, the basic care of bonsai trees, while not particularly difficult, does require some knowledge and skills. I arrogantly assumed I could do it on my own, but learnt the hard way – killing off my first attempt. In order to avoid making the same mistakes, I recommend that you seek out some advice on the proper care of bonsai trees.

Good luck – and may you find great joy in your care of bonsai trees.

Stop subjecting your bonsai to a slow death and instead learn the proper care of bonsai trees here: Also, here’s another ‘must see’ article about bonsai trees care”

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