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Bonsai Trees – Cultivation vs. Genetics

Posted by admin on Jun 17, 2010 in Uncategorized

bonsai trees

Copyright (c) 2010 Patrick Downey

Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing miniature trees by restricting the growth of the plant through various pruning and cultivating techniques. As part of the growing technique (aka the training process), future Bonsai trees are grown in containers/trays to limit root growth and provide easy access for pruning or shaping the plant as desired. The Bonsai method can take years before a final tree is completed and requires constant care for the tree to stay in the desire size and shape. Bonsai trees are often confused with dwarfism or dwarfing of trees. In actuality, the two processes are completely different in their approach to creating miniature trees.

In dwarfing, the miniature tree effect is obtained through genetics or selective breeding. Selective breeding is the process where smaller specimens are joined with other smaller than normal specimens to create specimen limited in growth. Once the desired size is reached the process in complete. Genetic Engineering is another method of creating dwarf plants. In genetic engineering, genes that inhibit growth or provide miniature characteristics are spliced into the genome of the desired specimen. Genetic engineering modifies genes on a microscopic level while selective breeding modifies genes looking at the macroscopic effects. The goal is to create a miniature version of the plant that retains the desired characteristics of the full grown plant.

Depriving a plant of specific hormones during the growth process can also result in dwarfing of the specimen. However, the lack of hormones can result in the dwarf specimen not displaying some of the desired aesthetics or size. Practice or experience is the best the way to control the end result when using the hormone approach. For the purposes of creating display miniatures trees, the hormone method is not normally used.

There are essentailly two methods for growing miniature specimens of plants and tree, Bonsai and dwarfing. Whichever process is used, the end result is a miniature version of a larger tree or plant. At this point, the dwarfed tree/plant has some significant advantages to a Bonsai tree. Once the dwarfed tree is developed to the desired size, there is little maintenance (i.e. watering, getting proper sunlight, etc…) required to sustain the tree. However, the Bonsai tree will require continued maintenance (i.e. pruning, shaping, etc…) to maintain its desire appearance. If not properly, this can result in the death or ruination of the Bonsai tree. Using the Bonsai method requires a larger commitment of time and resources.

So, if the desired miniature tree is one the can be taken care of with watering and some general maintenance, a dwarf tree is the proper selection. However, using the Bonsai cultivation method results in a minature tree which reflects your peronality and is a lifelong hobby. In either case, miniature trees have been a source of beauty and awe in private gardens and public arboretums for decades and will add a definitive touch to any décor.

As an art form, the term Bonsai tree is used for all miniature trees or arrangements while several other cultures have similar traditions. China has a similar tradition in penjing and Vietnam has the tradition known as h

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