Kenneth Shiell Presents – How to save a dying plant and what does that have to do with you?

Posted by admin on Aug 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

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This video is a private recording of a short presentation done by Ken Shiell. Ken’s wisdom and understanding of the interconnection between the natural life of plants and that of human beings allows us to see a new perspective on all living creatures. Looking for a good way to find a cheap bonsai? For answer watch this this video.

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How to Plant a Strawberries in a Container (Strawberry Jar)

Posted by admin on Jul 25, 2010 in Uncategorized

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Visit www.whiteflowerfarm.com for more information. Join White Flower Farm Nursery Manager Barb Pierson as she plants strawberries in a strawberry jar. These strawberries are available from whiteflowerfarm.com.

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Vegetable Gardening & Plant Care : What Type of Soil Is Best for Bonsai Plants?

Posted by admin on Jun 27, 2010 in Uncategorized

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The best type of soil for bonsai plants is any soil that is made of composted tree bark or any type of foliage. Provide nutrition to bonsai trees with help from a sustainable gardener in this free video on bonsai gardening and plant care.

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Care of Bonsai Trees – Taking The Pruning Knife to Your Plant

Posted by admin on Jun 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

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Taking a knife to your bonsai tree for the first time can be a daunting prospect. The fear is that something will go wrong and your tree will end up looking ghastly, or you might even kill it. However proper pruning is an essential component in the care of bonsai trees

Pruning is necessary to give your tree its desired shape, then maintain that silhouette. Bonsai masters have, over centuries, devised stringent rules to provide growers with guidelines on the proper shaping and care of bonsai trees. For instance, the first branch should be about one third up the height of the trunk. If the first limb branches to the right, the second should grow from the opposite side with the pattern repeating as branches rise up the tree. They should also reduce in size as they ascend and there should be plenty of space between them.

The best time to prune depends largely on the type of bonsai you have. Some varieties prefer spring when the tree is about to undergo its most vigorous growth. Other varieties thrive better if pruned in the fall. You will probably need to do a little research on the maintenance and care of bonsai trees to determine the most suitable time for pruning your particular plant.

Your next step is to determine which branches detract from the appeal of your tree and earmark them for removal. That will mean taking out any that cross over the trunk or each other, as well as any that are growing on the wrong side or are too close to another.

Proper care of bonsai trees means it is usually necessary to prune hardest at the top of your tree where the growth is the most vigorous. If left alone, this top growth will pull nutrients from weaker, lower branches and spoil the look of your tree. Conversely, heavily pruning in one area will encourage growth in a weaker area.

When pruning branches it is best to cut them back to a bud that is pointing in the same direction in which you wish the tree to grow. This means any new growth will branch in that direction. A word of warning though – think carefully before making a cut and don’t get too carried away. You can’t put a branch back once it has been removed.

The best tools to use are secateurs or scissors,but make sure they are sharp enough to give a clean cut. Also ensure they have been cleaned first to minimise the risk of the wound becoming infected. A protective coat of suitable paste should be applied to any large cuts to minimise the risk of pests or diseases getting into the wound. Your pruning instruments should always be sharp and clean as blunt tools will leave a ragged cut more likely to lead to trouble in this regard.

Proper care of bonsai trees also involves pruning the roots. This is generally done every two to three years. Ideally you remove around a third of the root ball, snipping off the larger thicker roots. The mass of finer, hair-like roots left behind will be much more efficient at absorbing water.Very importantly, once you have repotted your bonsai after root pruning, you should give it a good soaking.

Once your tree is the desired shape you may still need to do what’s called maintenance pruning. This is a simple procedure able to be done using a finger and thumb to pinch off unwanted new growth.

As I stated in the beginning, pruning is essential for the proper maintenance and care of bonsai trees, and it can be scary wondering whether you are doing the right thing. However it’s this act which determines the shape of your tree, creating its unique appeal and thus providing the most satisfying aspect of this hobby. You simply need to think carefully, plan your moves and do your homework first.

To find more information on pruning and all aspects of the care of bonsai trees care of bonsai trees

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Who Can Plant A Bonsai Tree

Posted by admin on May 10, 2010 in Uncategorized

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There are a lot of people who would like to plant a bonsai tree for their indoor garden or for their office desk, however, they don’t understand what it takes to plant it. You will find that there is a lot more than just planting a tree in a pot when it comes to these unique plants. You need to be able to give them your time and devotion on daily basis. You will find that the time that you need to spend on a bonsai tree once you have it started is about ten minutes a day.

Of course you will need to do the normal water, feeding, and loving, however, you will need to give the plant plenty more time than just that. You will find that these trees need to be groomed. You will need to groom them on a regular basis too so that you can keep your tree so perfect and treat. You will also find that there are very delicate plants. You will find that this type of plant is more like a hobby rather than just a plant. It’s not something that you would like to have in the house to brighten the place up that you occasionally water and care for, but it happens to be something that you can really enjoy. You will find that the plant is very unique in style too.

A person who would like to plant a bonsai needs to be disciplined. You will need to take your time and figure out if it’s best for you. You will need to care for it as if it were a pet. You will need to give it water, food, and also groom it so that it looks like a appropriate bonsai tree.

This also takes a creative person. You will find that the bonsai tree is really not a bonsai tree until after you have cut it and shaped it into something more like a bonsai tree. You may want to go with the normal and common cloud-shape, but you will also find that there is a lot of room for creativity. You will want to think about what it is that you would like your plant to look for. You will also find that there is a lot ideas that you can make up from the top of your head or you can take the idea of someone else’s bonsai and make it your own. You will want to mix your ideas with a current bonsai tree style so that you can have a unique tree.

Honestly, anyone who is well self-disciplined can take good care of it and, also they learn how to make the tree their own special plant.

Who else wants to discover the step by step secrets the bonsai masters use to create stunning bonsai trees – with very little work? Find out here at http://www.palalu.com/bonsai/

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Japanese Serissa Starter Bonsai Tree or House Plant

Posted by admin on Mar 6, 2010 in Uncategorized

bonsai trees

  • The plant you will receive is growing in a 4″ pot, about 6″ tall and well branched.
  • The Serissa is an indoor plant
  • It needs as much light as possible
  • The Serissa flowers practically all year round, but particularly from spring to fall

Product Description
Overview : The Serissa genus has only one species (Serissa foetida syn. Serissa japonica), but comes from a huge family of between 4500 and 5000 species. It is an evergreen shrub to 45 cm (18 in) high with oval, deep green, rather thick leaves that have an unpleasant smell if bruised. It is grown for its neat habit, good coverage of branches and long flowering time. It is also valued for its rough, grey trunk which tends to get lighter in colour with age. Th… More >>

Japanese Serissa Starter Bonsai Tree or House Plant

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How to Grow Bonsai Trees : How to Plant a Bonsai Tree

Posted by admin on Feb 17, 2010 in Uncategorized

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Learn professional tips on how to plant a bonsai tree, in this free video. Expert: Mike Hansen Bio: Mike Hansen, owner of Midwest Bonsai, has been growing, caring, selling, and instructing others in bonsai care for years. Mike is an expert bonsai master.

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